Here for one of the first times I publicly discuss the work in consciousness technology that I am involved in, with our start-up Wyrder Tech. To get the latest info on the products mentioned, sign up for the newsletter at

Peter Merry has spent most of his life involved in helping people to learn. From teaching in a secondary school in rural northern Ghana through to co-founding and leading an online global learning platform with Ubiquity University, he traveled via international youth work with the Council of Europe using experiential learning techniques such as interactive theatre to training CEOs and government Ministers. Peter is also one of the world’s top experts on leadership. is a recognized public speaker on the themes of leadership and organization in times of major transition – often referred to as non-linear change.

Since 2010, Peter has immersed himself in the world of energy and information. In his ongoing quest to discover how we can make the greatest possible impact as quickly and efficiently as possible, he came across practices that had been proven to work. They stretch the boundaries of what we normally believe to be possible, but once you understand it, it’s obvious really. Modern science is starting to catch up with the wisdom traditions. 28 years of research at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research lab proved beyond statistical doubt that the human mind and heart influence the world around us.

Dr. Peter Merry and the team at Wyrder Tech are pioneering research and consumer technologies based on this work. For the lab, living room and meeting space, these technologies respond to the quality of our individual and collective intention and coherence -with no physical connection between the users and technology. The Purpose? Primarily to remind us of the interconnectedness that materialist science has helped us to forget.

Carsten Ohrmann is an Expert in Holistic Leadership Transformation. He has a profound global business background. Having been a partner and global sector board member of a leading consulting and IT professional services company with 40.000 employees worldwide, he left his previous top-management career end of 2012 to dedicate his life to – what he now calls – “a far more meaningful purpose”. Today he acts as a catalyst for personal, organizational, and global paradigm shifts, in which holistic consciousness is fundamental.

As an executive coach camp; mentor he supports individual leaders and leadership teams in their advanced personal and professional development. As a speaker he addresses scientific, business and spiritual communities around the globe in seminars, workshops and keynote presentations. As a founding executive board member of Wyrder Tech he promotes a post-materialist worldview and aims to develop practical information-field based applications. Carsten holds university degrees in mechanical engineering and sustainable business, accreditations as professional coach and alternative practitioner in psychotherapy, and is practicing shamanic energy medicine amongst many other fields of personal interest. (Further details on

Co-convener: Jim Garrison, President, Ubiquity University

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