The Telepathy Tapes podcast has gone viral. This will hopefully create significant space for the topic of consciousness to be explored more seriously by a large number of people – as well as for autistic non-speakers to be integrated properly into society and honoured for the qualities and competencies they hold, that are so critical for the transition of humanity into a life-affirming future.
Having just finished listening to the series, I felt compelled to try and summarise the implications of what is being described. If you are not familiar with the podcast, it explores the reality of autistic non-speakers, their families, friends, teachers and helpers. This is what the experiences of the people interviewed in the podcast suggest about the nature of reality.

  • It is possible to communicate mind-to-mind without the use of verbal language.
  • That communication happens outside the boundaries of specific languages. Any feelings and impressions show up instantly in the awareness of a partner (the words “sender” and “receiver” are inadequate as they imply a linear process). The only need to translate that communication into a verbal language is when the person you want to communicate to is not able to receive your communication telepathically.
  • The people who communicate this way continually describe their exchanges and experiences as being steeped in love. The medium itself seems to create the conditions for truthful, loving qualities and exclude the possibility for deception. They describe it as a certain frequency.
  • People who can pick up the thoughts of others can pick up the negative feelings and thoughts of those who do not operate at that frequency. It often needs training to be able to consciously filter the information that comes into our awareness.
  • Rather than the experience being a linear one of someone sending some information to someone else, it is an instant knowing at the moment the other forms their impression. “Tele-pathy” is therefore really an inadequate term, as the “tele” suggests distance, sending and linearity. Maybe “syn-pathy” would be more appropriate.
  • There is a field of information that contains everything we need to know. When tuned in, you formulate your question and can access the response you need.
  • In this field, we can also sense emerging probable futures.
  • It is possible to communicate with people no longer in physical form.
  • It is possible to meet in psychic space in groups and communicate with each other (most of the interviewees call their space The Hill).
  • When connected to this frequency, our lives are full of synchronicity.

If these are indeed the implications, then it would follow that:

  • We can find solutions to all the social and ecological challenges we have by accessing the information from the field;
  • We can be guided by our intuition and trust the synchronicities to help us implement these solutions the most effectively;
  • Love and truthfulness permeate our being and collaboration when working from this space;
  • We should all be finding out how to access this frequency so we can experience and share more love and truthfulness, and get to work on healing our societies and planet.

If you are interested in diving deeper into this whole topic, check out this Certificate in Science and Consciousness and the emergence of new consciousness technologies that enable us to experience and explore the field directly.

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