I had a great dialogue with Brenda Dunne who co-lead the 28 years of research at Princeton into intention and consciousness. The conclusions she shares about the nature of reality are critical for our times.


  1. […] started in our dialogue on Humanity Rising where Brenda shared a very interesting finding. Over the 28 years of research that they did into […]

  2. […] Over a period of twenty-eight years a team of researchers at Princeton University’s School of Engineering explored how people interact non-locally (having no physical contact) with the world around us. They called it the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab (PEAR). They did this under strict laboratory conditions and published their findings in academic peer-reviewed journals. The main technologies they used for their research were physical and digital machines that generated random conditions so they could see if people’s intention and attention created statistically significant deviations from randomness when they interacted with the machines. By the end of the twenty-eight years they had shown statistical significance to the extent that the chance of what they had found being pure coincidence was nearly one in a billion. (Here’s an interview with Brenda Dunne who managed the lab). […]

  3. […] are reserved for especially gifted psychics. However all the research I have come across, including the 28 years of the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research, and all the practitioners I have talked to in this area, point to the fact that everyone has these […]

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