This is how we are currently aligning ourselves as the Center for Human Emergence (Netherlands). This concept and the organisation form is designed to be scale-free.

Core Purpose

To become a catalyser and crystalliser of action for the planetary transformation into integral evolutionary consciousness

Core Principles

  • We practice full presence and radical authenticity
  • We open our hearts to the voice of the whole
  • We pay attention to the evolutionary impulse as it arises as us
  • We move ourselves as that impulse with swiftness, precision and love

Vision and Mission

External Vision (An inspirational statement that describes the contribution we want to make to the world)

A catalyser and crystalliser of action for the planetary transformation into integral evolutionary consciousness

Internal Vision (A statement that describes organizational fulfillment)

To serve Spirit as its unfolding

Internal Mission ( a. What is our core business? b. What do we need to grow and develop as an organization?)

To support rapid self-organisation as the evolutionary impulse, by developing our compassion, insight and skillful means

External Mission (An inspirational statement that describes the service we provide to our clients, a statement that will inspire our customers)

To rapidly co-emerge vital and resilient individuals, organisations and cultures fit for present and emerging realities

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