We have just entered the Fifth Day of the Galactic Underworld (see http://mayaportal.lucita.net – the Underworlds can be mapped onto the Spiral). The Fifth Day of every previous Underworld has always been a major breakthrough. The difference now is that the kind of change that happened in hundreds, thousands and millions of years in the past, is now about to happen in 360 days.

This increase in light will bring an increase in the visibility of shadow. This has already shown itself in my own inner experience and in the world news over the last few days. There will be no more hiding (from) karma. It is going to be right in our faces in the coming time – individually and collectively. This is not necessarily going to feel particularly pleasant or look very beautiful. The imbalances that have been created in our global system will surface for us to deal with. The unhealed wounds of our individual past will be there for all to see.

Critical at this point is holding our connection to the light in the Ground of Being, in which the shadow will eventually burn away. Practice, practice, practice. We are going to need it when the shift really hits the fan in the Fifth Night, starting mid-November next year. Expect to see the turbulence in our inner lives, physical bodies, relationships, economic and social structures, and ecological systems.

This is not about fear. This is about seeing clearly, feeling deeply, and acting with swiftness, precision and love. In the space that opens up as the old falls apart, we can start to play…

See related post on conscious duality

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