This is a deep dive into the volution philosophy, recorded originally as part of Integral European Conference 2020. Peter takes people on a journey through the emergence of volution, the core aspects of the theory and its implications for the world of today.


  1. Hi Peter, I have been honoring your work for several years now – although I always resist having to listen to/read everything in English, including the videos by D. Newcomb.

    I always wonder if you know the Genekeys/Richard Rudd, his approach…and he knows your insights?

    • Thanks Anna. I did talk to Richard a few years ago about his content being available through Ubiquity but don’t think we discussed Volution. Maybe time to reconnect!

  2. […] tell us, that all of reality is actually composed of interlocking dynamic energy fields, that life is a continuous process of organising energetic information into form, then what does that mean for the way we need to lead our organisations, be they business, civil […]

  3. […] I have just started up a new website for people to be able to follow my thinking about volution – Initially I will be posting the elements of my PhD dissertation as it emerges and would love your comments and suggestions. Eventually I hope it will become a home for reflections and stories about volution and its implications. Here’s also a talk I gave on volution. […]

  4. […] the other day. It feels like a good foundation from which to explore the next phase of my work. Volution evolved out of […]

  5. […] Let’s not just go into detail about this now, but just to get this context of ourselves as part of the evolutionary story. We reach a little interesting edge around here, which is particularly where countries like the Netherlands and some of the Nordic countries seem to be at at the moment. These six are what Clare Graves called ‘first tier systems’. Those systems can only see their own perspective, they find it very hard to see the bigger context which they are part of – what begins to emerge here at the emergence of the integral (second tier) perspective is a desire to reintegrate, to see the relationships between everything and to see ourselves as part of a whole and not just interconnected in a kind of flatland whole but interconnected in an evolving whole, in constant dynamic balance. […]

  6. […] of evolution are too linear and don’t reflect the more organic nature of life. I believe a volutionary map of life is more adequate as it connects past and future and explains how the informational nature of […]

  7. […] in contradiction to the actual reality, namely that all things are interconnected as part of one dynamic volutionary system. When we act in a way that breaks the natural relationships of life, we create a destructive spiral […]

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