Here’s an interview around a question I get asked a lot.

Q. Peter, how do you get so much done? I mean, you are a co-founder at Ubiquity with the university and UbiVerse, you’ve got a new book coming out end of November and two more in the pipeline, you’re teaching three courses this Autumn, you are helping the folks at Broughton with their business strategy, creating an intuition experience centre, you sing in an anglo-celt folk band and are learning the tin whistle, and you’ve just completed the first brew of a herbal ale to protect people from that-which-may-not-be-named-in-case-this-post-is-deleted-by-facebook. To say nothing of being a father to three sporty boys…

A. (pause – at this point I risk succumbing to the fate of the millipede who is asked by the bird how he co-ordinates all his legs at which point he stops to think about it, falls over, and never walks again). Well… I guess the reason I find this so hard to answer is that the question doesn’t fit how I experience it. You see, it doesn’t feel like me doing all that but rather it being done through me.

Q. That sounds a bit hippy-dippy…. What do you mean?

A. Yes, I guess it does, but that is actually how it feels. Life flows through me rather than me trying to run my life.

Q. Ok…

A. Would scientific language help? It’s like space-time moves through me rather than me moving through space-time. The main difference is that with the former all you can do is be curious whereas in the latter you try to control your destiny. Did you know that linear time is actually a relatively recent way of experiencing reality? The thing is you can’t control your destiny so all you do is get stressed by trying. In the other experience as things flow through you it’s like you attract things that are resonant with your frequency, like you’re a gravity well in the cosmos…

Q. Woah, now you’re getting hippy dippy again. Let’s get grounded here – how do you organise your day?

A. Well, I have a diary in which I put appointments and if they end up staying there I trust they are meant to be there even if I am not quite sure why. I also use a productivity tool called asana where I list my projects and to do’s.

Q. Ok, that sounds more normal. But doesn’t that contradict your whole go-with-the-flow thing?

A. No. In fact it is critical to be able to drop things onto a list as they come in to your mind, so that your mind stays clear and doesn’t keep chasing that thought. You see, the ideas and insights come in through the intuitive channel, and you need to capture them otherwise when you flip back to the rational mind you often lose them. Then you can come back to the things that came through intuitively when you are in your rational doing state.

Q. Don’t you just end up with a huge list of to do’s?

A. Yes, it is pretty long.

Q. How do you decide what to do when, then?

A. I review the list in an intuitive state and notice which items seem to have energy, and prioritise those. Obviously there are also things that just need doing because other people depend on them. You see, there are all sorts of things going on that we can’t know about but that information is there in the information fields. So we just have to trust that what feels right to do next is what needs to happen in the context of the bigger whole – even though we might not rationally understand it. Usually you find out what later on.

Q. That all sounds like a lazy way to just doing the stuff that’s easy and putting off the rest…

A. (laughs) Yes, there is that risk. You do need to be able to distinguish between your ego’s instincts and unattached intuitive knowing. And that comes from disciplined inner work. No way around that…

Q. So, why did you agree to this interview?

A. It came to me while I was soaking in a bath of magnesium salts just now and seemed to have energy to it. I also believe in sharing anything that might be useful to others in navigating these challenging times – which is why I am getting all the books out and teaching the courses now.

Q. Fair enough. Thank you for your time.

A. Sure. You’re very welcome.


  1. This was great Peter, thanks. I move through in a very similar way and so it was very nice to have that process validated. And some very helpful experiential tips, like the inner orientation to the fields, which I call listening. I will check out the productivity tool. I still use old school pads of paper, which I enjoy. Best wishes.

  2. Hello Peter, I appreciated and enjoyed how you language and describe your responses in this conversation…so welcome! Thank you and best wishes.

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