I have pulled together a number of different Google Earth layers that I have discovered online, around the broad subject of Earth energies. This is one folder with many sub-folders. Details of each layer can be found within each sub-folder. You need to open it with Google Earth. If anyone is aware of anything else out there, please let me know and I will update this file.This all in the spirit of us coming to see Earth in all her luminous glory…

I have now made this a link to a file in dropbox so I can keep updating it. If anyone has any problems accessing it, just let me know! I’ll make a note of updates in the comments.

(If you get an error message on the dropbox page just click on download in the top left corner)

If you are interested in this, you might also enjoy my thoughts on geomancy, crop circles and sacred sites.


  1. UPDATE 2 NOV 2019
    Turned into dropbox link so can keep updated easily.
    Added Cornwall data from Palden Jenkins at http://www.ancientpenwith.org/.

  2. […] galaxy), I felt a strong call to give this all more explicit attention, particularly the field of earth energy. I knew that know I had start tuning in to what this all meant and what its implications were for […]

  3. This is phenomenal. I have to go to work but have been down the rabbit hole of GE and your layers for hours. I was trying to find where the colors of the different ley lines mean something? Of course I searched for my house, and found it nestled between two red lines and a gray one. What should I do from here?

    • Thanks Karin. The key on the left that lists the different grids should help. You could go out and see if you can feel the lines and if they need any attention.

      • Where can I find the layers key?

        • Hi – once you load it into google earth you should be able to see a list on the left of the different layers that you can click and unclick .

          • Hello, I love this. But I’m using it from my phone and it’s not showing me what the different red, green, yellow, and grey lines mean. Can you help.

          • Thanks Martain. I’m afraid that’s a google earth support question and beyond my pay grade! Do post here if you find a solution as others might find it useful too. Thanks!

  4. Hi I tried to download the file from dropbox but it doesn’t work. Is there a viewable copy of this info in another location? I am very interested in looking into ley lines and their locations. It has been coming up frequently for me to look into. Thanks

    • Hi Cyn – I added a google drive download option. Hopefully that helps.

  5. amazing thank you, we are based in Ireland and it is not as populated as Uk for example, contemplating extending this with Eire sacred sites etc

    • Yes! Please do send me any extra layers you create for Eire and I’ll add them.

      • Thanks Jonathan. It looks great. I see no way to contact them but I’d be happy to share this resource with them.

    • Thanks Eric. What a great site! Is this your work?

      • Hi Peter,
        I am the owner of https://maps.leylines.net. Are you interested in working with me to publish your data on my website? Write to me if you are interested.
        Kind regards

  6. Do you have a file that doesn’t have all the markers all over it? It would be fantastic if you had something with lines only so that we could do our own research.

    • Hi Jennelle – you can turn them off in the menu on the left so you can just see whatever you like.

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