Another element of my conversation with Tim included this precious insight.

I have been sitting for a while with a dissatisfaction around a description of Product and Process as separate things – or content/what and process/how as different.

In the conversation it became clear that this came from our experience that actually the new ways in which people and organisations begin to do things also become the new products that they offer the world. That in fact their own internal Practice becomes their Practice in the world.

A few examples:

  • The (re)evolution youth group lived through a transformation process, started doing and being differently and that is what they are now taking into their local community
  • An IBM business unit transformed its cultural and leadership resilience and they are now integrating that into a product for clients
  • An intentional community is making the shift from a more inwardly-focused spiritual community to becoming an example for how intentional communities can contribute to solving some of the core problems we are facing in the world. The process they are going through and the new practice they are moving into will become part of their core offering to the world

They have all developed a Core Practice which is at the same time process and content/product. This makes it fully authentic and powerfully attractive to others. And as a Practice it never stops nor is finalised. It is a continual evolutionary journey for ourselves and for those around us.

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