As we enter this Fifth Day of the Galactic Underworld (equivalent of the crystallisation of Spiral Yellow and Turquoise in the collective field), the patterns in the evolutionary time dynamics point to this as being a new era of duality (as opposed to unity). I am beginning to feel and understand what is meant by that. (See for more on Calleman’s rigorous work on the Mayan Calendar).

The National Underworld (3115BC-2011AD) is dominated by Duality consciousness, expressing itself in our exploitative, power-driven approach to the world, and duality One Truth belief systems (Spiral Red and Blue).

The next era, the Planetary Underworld (1755-2011) is dominated by Unity consciousness, creating space for diversity, anyone can make it, all is relative, everyone is free to go “my way”, with a lack of clarity for discernment (Spiral Orange and Green).

The latest era, the Galactic Underworld (1999-2011), is dominated by Duality consciousness again, and is equivalent to Spiral Yellow and Turquoise. So what does that mean? We all thought we were moving into Unity! What it means is that all the shadows, all the negative impacts of the previous era which Orange and Green studiously avoid confronting, will be brought into the light (Orange : “Solve the problem as quickly as possible. Don’t stop to ask what the real problem is or it will slow us down in our progress.”; Green : “Don’t rock the boat. Everything is light and love. Do all we can to maintain harmony. Any negative perception you have is purely your own stuff, so keep it to yourself.”)

In the Galactic Underworld, light is shone on our reality again, and we wake up to a world in ourselves and around us that can look pretty ugly. Oh my God, what have we done? And how on earth are we going to deal with this mess, chaos and complexity? However, it also brings relief as at last all that has been swept under the carpet is now visible for us all to see. Invisible elephants in the room suddenly materialise and we can’t move on without dealing with them.

This relates very well to the description and experience of Yellow – the wake-up call that emerges out of the Dark Night of the Soul as we leave behind the comfort zone of Green and our first tier blinkers. We come face-to-face with our true self (and Self) both inside and outside of ourselves.

What this clarity of the dualities brings is an undeniable knowledge of the interconnectedness of all things. All our past actions have cast a shadow and we now have to face it. Every action resonates across the Universe. This is the emergence of Turquoise, the profound realisation of this interconnectedness. We realise that we cannot engage this any more simply through our cognitive knowing, and start to develop a different level of knowing, that feels the interconnectedness – the fullness and the emtpiness at the same time. As we lean into relative duality, we fall into absolute emptiness/fullness.

The good news is, for all of those who are yearning for the Unity consciousness, that the final Universal Underworld (Feb 2011 – Oct 2011) completes the current cycle (Spiral Coral and Teal). How many of us are around to experience that and be part of the following shift will depend on how we deal with the new duality that will be in our individual and collective faces for the next five years. This time is what we have all been training for. The time is now; the place is here; and the people are us. See you around!

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