(A paper written following the Wisdom University intensive at Chartres on Sacred Geometry)
In Greek there are two words for time and two words for place. Chronos refers to linear time as we experience it in our waking states and Kairos refers to non-linear time where synchronicities happen in more of a magical or dream state. Topos referred to the physical place that we can see with our eyes and measure with our mind, and Chora referred to the energy of a place that one experiences with our inner senses (Devereux 2000). In his first framing talk in Chartres, Jim Garrison said that a theme for him during the week would be “Nature likes to hide”. He then went on to say that the Greek word translated here as “hide” actually means to hide from the mind. So the nature of reality that hides behind the veil of Isis cannot be accessed by the mind, only by the more intuitive senses. Chronos and Topos are accessible by the mind, but Kairos and Chora are hidden behind the veil, only to be found through the non-rational senses. This paper is a story of a glimpse beyond the veil into the worlds of Kairos and Chora that I was given in Chartres. Where buildings like Chartres cathedral bring our visible world as close to the veil as we can get due to the sacred natural geometry of their physical form, we actually have to slip into another dimension to experience what lies beyond.