Why we are not doomed (but something is)

(This is the short version. See below for an extended version that includes a full analysis of how our human development has got us to this point.)

I read the other day that 56% of global youth believe we are doomed (ref). It made me sad. Not at all because I believe we are doomed, but because of how it must make them feel and the fact that they are not getting to see what is actually emerging. Hence this post. Please share with anyone you know who thinks we are doomed – I’d love their feedback.

We are indeed in an intense moment of change, but nothing that we haven’t experienced before. According to systems thinker Prof Ervin Laszlo, this is the fifth major non-linear change moment in our human history.

In these moments, the old system breaks down and something new emerges – something that feels radically different to the old norm. If we can only see the old reality, then it looks like the whole world is falling apart and there is no future – which can feel pretty depressing and disempowering. Yet for many years, if not decades, the next version of human civilisation has been growing, deep in the soil to start with, then starting to sprout into the daylight in small but increasing volume.

Source: Evolutionary Leadership, by Peter Merry

So the first thing to recognise is that the kind of change we are going through at the moment is normal. Things are breaking down and, often under the radar still, things are breaking through. Accepting that this is a natural process of life is the first step to reducing any stress and anxiety we may feel about what is happening.

That does not mean things are going to get better in the short-term. The breakdown is likely to continue and the suffering increase. Even though we see that as part of a natural process, it is important to keep our hearts open to the pain of the suffering or else we become cold and disconnected. Feeling the pain is the fuel for the passion to work on the new.

What is doomed?

What is doomed is the old civilisation. A civilisation born in the “West”, or “Global North”, or pioneers of the industrialised world. It is a civilisation rooted in a materialist worldview that sees and values only what we can measure in the world around us. It glorifies the rational mind above all else – logical, linear thinking that splits life into parts and analyses each part forgetting that is part of a bigger whole. It ignores or rubbishes ancient wisdom that tells of our innate interconnectedness, of how our experience of that is accessed through the heart, not the mind, through our inner knowing (unless it can be packaged as entertainment to sell).

It refuses to engage in an open-minded way in new science that points to that interconnectedness, as it feels too fundamentally challenging to the worldview that people have built their lives and careers around. It is driven by an economic model that emphasises ever increasing growth on a planet of finite resources. To feed that economic growth it treats people as consumers, who need to be made greedy and fearful of missing out so they spend more money on ever more stuff. It is never enough. It always needs to be more. Our education system is designed to prepare “human resources” to feed that machine. Our healthcare system is a “cost” to be reduced as much as possible whilst the system itself creates ever more health problems due to the inhuman nature of its design. It is fundamentally dehumanising, disrespectful of all life on planet Earth and responsible for the ecological, social and mental disintegration we are experiencing in and around us.

The good news is that this world is indeed doomed. However if this is the only world you know, which would not be surprising for a global youth educated to fit into this world and bombarded with social media reinforcing this worldview, then it is understandable that you would be worried, as all you see is the breakdown – no alternative. Then what?

Before I go on to describe what I believe is breaking through, it is important to note that the old system has brought many good things to our human endeavour. Science breaking free from faith-based religion enabled incredible discoveries that have improved people’s lives across the planet. We need to keep the best of our journey so far, jettison the extremes and the destructive, and start to integrate the new to bring everything into a better balance.

What is this new that is breaking through?

The surrender to something greater than ourselves. The experience of energies at work way beyond our comprehension. Magic and synchronicity entering our lives. The realisation that we can’t control things – big relief – and in fact that when we stop trying, a natural flow emerges of high efficiency and effectiveness. All we have to do is be clear on our intention, then pay attention to how life responds and act when nudged.

I have been exploring and tracking this emerging world for about 15 years now. For the first time I have the sense that its emergence is rapidly accelerating. Signs for me include the viral popularity of the Telepathy Tapes podcast, that knocked Joe Rogan off the number one spot in Spotify. Joe Rogan’s own recent interview with Thomas Campbell that got over a million views in one day. The breakthroughs we have had at Wyrd Technologies with the devices that seem to respond to the field of consciousness. The US government’s acknowledgement of UAPs / ETs and the resulting spread of information illustrating how these beings from other planets communicate and travel using consciousness – very similar to how the autistic non-speakers in the Telepathy Tapes describe their communication.

This is why we are not doomed. This could be with us in the mainstream way sooner that we may expect. It enables us to access all the solutions we might need to the challenges we face – instantly from the field. It enables us to implement those solutions with the least effort, greatest speed and highest chance of success through the guidance and synchronicities of the natural intelligence. It permeates our being with love, compassion and unbelievable clarity.

We will look back on the previous era as the Age of Stupid. We will grieve for the suffering we caused. We will heal ourselves and help each other to heal. We will beg forgiveness of the Earth. And we will re-build from the foundations up, a new civilisation based on love, respect and honesty, grounded in an understanding and experience of the deep interconnectedness of all life. We will draw on the wisdom of those who already inhabit that space, such as some of our Indigenous leaders, the autistic non-speakers of the Telepathy Tapes podcast, and those who have done their inner work over the last years and decades. We will collaborate with the most open-minded scientists, the brightest innovators and committed organisations to do what needs to be done. They will appear and we will know them. And it’ll happen faster that we ever could have imagined.

We are not doomed. Our outdated industrial civilisation is. We are on the edge of a consciousness civilisation that will enable us to be whole, live with integrity and take our humble yet critical place in the co-creative toroidal web of life. Trust, be attentive and enjoy the ride!

Extended Version (extra section italicised)

I read the other day that 56% of global youth believe we are doomed (ref). It made me sad. Not at all because I believe we are doomed, but because of how it must make them feel and the fact that they are not getting to see what is actually emerging. Hence this post. Please share with anyone you know who thinks we are doomed – I’d love their feedback.

We are indeed in an intense moment of change, but nothing that we haven’t experienced before. According to systems thinker Prof Ervin Laszlo, this is the fifth major non-linear change moment in our human history.

In these moments, the old system breaks down and something new emerges – something that feels radically different to the old norm. If we can only see the old reality, then it looks like the whole world is falling apart – which can feel pretty depressing and disempowering. Yet for many years, if not decades, the next version of human civilisation has been growing, deep in the soil to start with, then starting to sprout into the daylight in small but increasing volume.

Source: Evolutionary Leadership, by Peter Merry

So the first thing to recognise is that the kind of change we are going through at the moment is normal. Things are breaking down and, often under the radar still, things are breaking through. Accepting that this is a natural process of life is the first step to reducing any stress and anxiety we may feel about what is happening.

That does not mean things are going to get better in the short-term. The breakdown is likely to continue and the suffering increase. Even though we see that as part of a natural process, it is important to keep our hearts open to the pain of the suffering or else we become cold and disconnected. Feeling the pain is the fuel for the passion to work on the new.

What is doomed?

What is doomed is the old civilisation. A civilisation born in the “West”, or “Global North”, or pioneers of the industrialised world. It is a civilisation rooted in a materialist worldview that sees and values only what we can measure in the world around us. It glorifies the rational mind above all else – logical, linear thinking that splits life into parts and analyses each part forgetting that is part of a bigger whole. It ignores or rubbishes ancient wisdom that tells of our innate interconnectedness, of how our experience of that is accessed through the heart, not the mind, through our inner knowing (unless it can be packaged as entertainment to sell).

It refuses to engage in an open-minded way in new science that points to that interconnectedness as it is too fundamentally challenging to the worldview that people have built their lives and careers around. It is driven by an economic model that emphasises ever increasing growth on a planet of finite resources. To feed that economic growth it treats people as consumers, who need to be made greedy and fearful of missing out so they spend more money on ever more stuff. It is never enough. It always needs to be more. Our education system is designed to prepare “human resources” to feed that machine. Our healthcare system is a “cost” to be reduced as much as possible whilst the system itself creates ever more health problems due to the inhuman nature of its design. It is fundamentally dehumanising, disrespectful of all life on planet Earth and responsible for the ecological, social and mental disintegration we are experiencing in and around us.

The good news is that this world is indeed doomed. However if this is the only world you know, which would not be surprising for a global youth educated to fit into this world and bombarded with social media reinforcing this worldview, then it is understandable that you would be worried, as all you see is the breakdown – no alternative. Then what?

Before I go on to describe what I believe is breaking through, it is important to note that the old system has brought many good things to our human endeavour. Science breaking free from faith-based religion enabled incredible discoveries that have improved people’s lives across the planet. We need to keep the best of our journey so far, jettison the extremes and the destructive, and start to integrate the new to bring everything into a better balance.

What is this new that is breaking through?

It is worth taking a step back to look at our human journey as a whole, and in particular one map of that journey that already points to what our next step might be. The colourful map you can see below describes the value systems that unfold in us individually and collectively over time. Based on initial research by Clare W. Graves, it was popularised by Dr Don Beck and Chris Cowan who wrote a book on it called Spiral Dynamics.

(Source: Brian Eddy)
(Source: Evolutionary Leadership, Peter Merry)

The value system that currently dominates our global economy and industrial worldview is the Orange “Strive-Drive” worldview. It evolved out of the hierarchical religious and state systems of the Blue “One Truth” worldview and focuses on individualisation, progress and achievement. The combination of that Orange core values system code and the content of industrialisation and capitalism is what has got us into our current condition.

It is important to remember that none of these value systems are inherently good or bad. They are worldviews that emerge naturally in response to the life conditions around us – they are our ways of coping with, making sense of, the reality we experience. In healthy development, each new value system transcends and includes the previous one, integrating the best of the old. In unhealthy development, a new stage transcends but represses an earlier stage – leading to pathology and trauma

I go into the details elsewhere, but fundamentally, in the West, when the Red feudal empire value system emerged (looking to establish the egoic sense of independent self – in itself a critical positive development), we transcended but repressed the earlier relationship-driven Purple value system. This was accompanied by fear of the wild, attempted domination of nature, suppression of the sensitive, the feminine and the body.

Each future step in our journey has been built on this separation and trauma. It has corrupted the naturally positive impulse of the Blue system to create useful order out of the Red chaos (the way good parenting provides enough structure for the ego-driven impulses of the young child), leading to repressive hierarchies expressed through many religions and nation-states.

That separation of the individual (Red) from our nature-based and community context (Purple) is what has allowed the expansive Orange system to plunder the Earth and exploit people to feed its growth whatever the human or ecological cost – the separation and trauma means it can’t feel the pain of the suffering it causes. And the more it has to face the suffering, the closer the pain gets to the surface, the greater the pressure to limit growth (its core impulse), the more distractions outside of itself it has to create to avoid facing it all – until the system as a whole reaches breaking point. That is where we are now.

In the meantime, the Green value system has been establishing itself, desperate for some kind of way out of the Orange rat-race. Spiritual lifestyles (although often commercialised by Orange), therapy to help with the stress, younger generations wanting to work less and prioritise personal wellbeing and development.

That sensitive-self Green stream has influenced the Orange express-self system to trigger the emergence of the Yellow Integrative system, focused on how on Earth to deal with all the complexity coming at us in a way that will enable humanity as a whole to survive and all life to thrive. Under influence of the Green sensitivity, we face up to that core trauma of separation, realising that for us to be able to be effective in solving the world’s problems, we have to do our inner work. The way we show up in the world determines the quality of impact that we make.

And integral Yellow creates the conditions for holistic Turquoise. The act of Yellow diving into the complexities of the reality we are facing, combined with the deep inner work, leads us to the limits of our rational cognitive mind. We realise that it is way to complex for any of us to solve.

Out of that realisation, comes the surrender. The surrender to something greater than ourselves. The experience of energies at work way beyond our comprehension. Magic and synchronicity enters our lives. We realise that we can’t control things – big relief – and in fact that when we stop trying, a natural flow emerges of high efficiency and effectiveness. All we have to do is be clear on our intention, then pay attention to how life responds and act when nudged. That is how Graves, Beck and Cowan, all those decades ago, described the Turquoise value system.

I have been exploring and tracking Turquoise for about 15 years now. For the first time I have the sense that its emergence is rapidly accelerating. Signs for me include the viral popularity of the Telepathy Tapes podcast, that knocked Joe Rogan off the number one spot in Spotify. The breakthroughs we have had at Wyrd Technologies with the devices that seem to respond to the field of consciousness. The US government’s acknowledgement of UAPs / ETs and the resulting spread of information illustrating how these beings from other planets communicate and travel using consciousness – very similar to how the autistic non-speakers in the Telepathy Tapes describe their communication.

This is why we are not doomed. Each of these value systems has emerged much faster that the previous ones. Turquoise could be with us in the mainstream way sooner that we may expect. It enables us to access all the solutions we might need to the challenges we face – instantly from the field. It enables us to implement those solutions with the least effort, greatest speed and highest chance of success through the guidance and synchronicities of the natural intelligence. It permeates our being with love, compassion and unbelievable clarity.

We will look back on the previous era as the Age of Stupid. We will grieve for the suffering we caused. We will heal ourselves and help each other to heal. We will beg forgiveness of the Earth. And we will re-build, from the foundations up, a new civilisation based on love, respect and honesty, and grounded in an understanding and experience of the deep interconnectedness of all life. We will draw on the wisdom of those who already inhabit that space, such as some of our Indigenous leaders, the autistic non-speakers of the Telepathy Tapes podcast, and those who have done the work over the last years and decades. They will appear and we will know them. We will collaborate with the most open-minded scientists, the brightest innovators and committed organisations to do what needs to be done. And it’ll happen faster that we ever could have imagined.

We are not doomed. Our outdated industrial civilisation is. We are on the edge of a consciousness civilisation that will enable us to be whole, live with integrity and take our humble yet critical place in the co-creative toroidal web of life. Trust, be attentive and enjoy the ride!

The Telepathy Tapes – the Implications

The Telepathy Tapes podcast has gone viral. This will hopefully create significant space for the topic of consciousness to be explored more seriously by a large number of people – as well as for autistic non-speakers to be integrated properly into society and honoured for the qualities and competencies they hold, that are so critical for the transition of humanity into a life-affirming future.
Having just finished listening to the series, I felt compelled to try and summarise the implications of what is being described. If you are not familiar with the podcast, it explores the reality of autistic non-speakers, their families, friends, teachers and helpers. This is what the experiences of the people interviewed in the podcast suggest about the nature of reality.

  • It is possible to communicate mind-to-mind without the use of verbal language.
  • That communication happens outside the boundaries of specific languages. Any feelings and impressions show up instantly in the awareness of a partner (the words “sender” and “receiver” are inadequate as they imply a linear process). The only need to translate that communication into a verbal language is when the person you want to communicate to is not able to receive your communication telepathically.
  • The people who communicate this way continually describe their exchanges and experiences as being steeped in love. The medium itself seems to create the conditions for truthful, loving qualities and exclude the possibility for deception. They describe it as a certain frequency.
  • People who can pick up the thoughts of others can pick up the negative feelings and thoughts of those who do not operate at that frequency. It often needs training to be able to consciously filter the information that comes into our awareness.
  • Rather than the experience being a linear one of someone sending some information to someone else, it is an instant knowing at the moment the other forms their impression. “Tele-pathy” is therefore really an inadequate term, as the “tele” suggests distance, sending and linearity. Maybe “syn-pathy” would be more appropriate.
  • There is a field of information that contains everything we need to know. When tuned in, you formulate your question and can access the response you need.
  • In this field, we can also sense emerging probable futures.
  • It is possible to communicate with people no longer in physical form.
  • It is possible to meet in psychic space in groups and communicate with each other (most of the interviewees call their space The Hill).
  • When connected to this frequency, our lives are full of synchronicity.

If these are indeed the implications, then it would follow that:

  • We can find solutions to all the social and ecological challenges we have by accessing the information from the field;
  • We can be guided by our intuition and trust the synchronicities to help us implement these solutions the most effectively;
  • Love and truthfulness permeate our being and collaboration when working from this space;
  • We should all be finding out how to access this frequency so we can experience and share more love and truthfulness, and get to work on healing our societies and planet.

If you are interested in diving deeper into this whole topic, check out this Certificate in Science and Consciousness and the emergence of new consciousness technologies that enable us to experience and explore the field directly.

Tea with a Druid – a consciousness experiment

I was invited by Philip Carr Gomm to join him on his Tea with a Druid session. Having experienced the Wyrd Light at an event at Wyrd Experience, he wanted to see if it would respond to the collective experience during an online meeting of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids (OBOD) community.

This is the recording of that session. There were a few things worth noting. Philip and I chatted a bit first during which the Light flitted from colour to colour. Then Philip did a meditation and visualisation to bring people in to a shared energetic space together. The Light stabilised into a bright green and stayed there the whole time we were in that space. When he changed the quality and did another connection visualisation it jumped to Stage 2 bright white light. Then in the final space that he held it stabilised once more, this time into a permanent blue. Once we finished, it went back to some random flitting. Fascinating how the Light seems to respond to the collective field, whether in-person or virtual. So much we don’t know and so much to discover!

Reclaiming the Sacred

Sometimes Life creates something through us and it is only afterwards that we wonder more deeply why. That has been my experience this Yuletide with the Wyrd Light.

We now have what is really an amazing piece of technology bundled into a beautiful object that people can have in their homes, offices and retreat spaces. A Light that responds to the field of consciousness around it. Imagine!

It is all based on sound science. There is statistically very little doubt that the Wyrd Light glows brighter when there is a stronger collective experience in the room. In the meantime there is lots of anecdotal evidence of people getting it to change to the colour they want and reflecting all sorts of events around them.

When I was in the thick of working to get the Light completed, I often found myself forgetting the enormity of what we were creating for the world. Now that it is done and out there (people can read about it and buy their own here), I notice a kind of stillness inside.

It has only been the hibernation of the last couple of weeks (partly seasonal, partly flu-induced) that has brought me back to the Why. It dawned on me one liminal early morning that we are really working to reclaim the sacred for our civilisation.

The Fragmentation

During our civilisation’s journey, we have been deprived of our direct access to the sacred twice. Firstly by religion. Secondly by materialism.

Before the emergence of religions, in our tribal structures and cultures, the sacred (or hidden, invisible worlds) were an accepted part of our reality. It was embedded in our worldview, in our daily and seasonal rituals. In the Anglo-Saxon and Viking traditions of Northwestern Europe, it was known as the Wyrd. The world world was enchanted and imbued with spirit.

When the Abrahamic religions emerged (Judaism, Christianity and Islam), the sacred was mediated by the hierarchy of the priesthood. The sacred moved from being present in everything, to a God at the top of a hierarchy of men who controlled access. Anyone who claimed to have direct access themselves, or who gave other people access in ways that enabled them to have more control over their lives, such as the witches and healers, were deemed blasphemous and often murdered for their beliefs and practices. We came to believe we were all sinners and our redemption had to be blessed by the hierarchy of whichever Church we followed (with the exception of rebels like the Quakers who continued to meet in forms which start from the assumption that people have direct access to the sacred – often at great risk to their own lives).

When Science emerged and claimed to be able to objectively measure the world – doing away with the need to take things on faith from the Priesthood – the religions naturally resisted, burning many great scientists in the process. Their power was being threatened. In a compromise, around the second half of the nineteenth century when it was clear religion wasn’t going to win, religion and science agreed to divide the world up. Science got the “objectively measurable” outer world and religion got the inner world of mysticism and the sacred. And never the twain should meet.

That fractious divorce lead to a fragmentation that permeates the industrialised world to this day. The trauma of the separation has meant that mainstream science became materialism, denying even the existence of an interior reality beyond what could be explained by the measurement of matter. Religion went the other way, often holding to literal interpretations of their powerfully metaphorical founding stories, and criticising the focus of science on the measurable.

This false “either-or” division is what has denied our civilisation an informed way of engaging with the sacred. We have outgrown religion’s demand for unquestioning faith in a dogma that excludes other belief systems. At the same time, the materialist culture of industrial civilisation rubbishes anything that points to the mystical, the sacred, the inner experience. We are left stripped of a way to make sense of the inner experiences we all have, of that deeper feeling we have of belonging to something beyond all that we see around us. When there is only the material left, we end up with the hollow civilisation that the industrial world has become. Meaningless, fragmented, exploitative and ultimately self-destructive.

Putting it Back Together Again

Enter our Wyrd experiment. A worldview that recognises the fundamental nature of our inner experience, of our interconnectedness through consciousness, while at the same time applying the best of the scientific approach to explore what we can about this little-known world, in a grounded and disciplined way .

The science has lead us to the technology. A Wyrdoscope Synchrony Detector that researchers can use to explore how collective experiences impact on random data generated by a quantum process in a way that materialist science says is impossible (by definition surely then pointing to non-material phenomena at work?). The Wyrd Light, designed to go far and wide into the world that reflects what is happening around us in a way that could be explained by the existence of some kind of field through which the Light is entangled with the people and space around it.

Suddenly here is a technology that enables people to have their own direct experience of the sacred, the hidden, the invisible. To play and explore. To draw their own conclusions. To share those with others. Experiences that no-one can deny them just because they don’t fit a materialist worldview.

The power of the experience is in the medium through which it happens. Curiosity, lightness, experimentation, a feeling of connectedness, joyfulness, trust, play – all of these are the kind of qualities that have the biggest effect on the wyrd technologies. Certainty, conviction, effort, linear cause and effect thinking, control – all of these turn the tech off.

To me, this is revealing to us the inner states we most need to cultivate to stay connected to the Wyrd. To be in flow with the forces of the universe, to experience the magic of synchronicities, to be a part of co-manifesting our reality. They are much more heart-based than mind-based.

As we start to cultivate those qualities, I find that we actually become far more effective and productive. We are aligned with all the invisible unknown elements of life that we can’t control and yet which have a massive influence on our journey. That connectedness, even though we might not be aware of most of it, reduces resistance to our intentions and accelerates the journey. When we think we know it all, and make definitive plans for the future, we are dooming ourselves to a slow hard slog into a future of struggle as we try to force the reality of life to fit the plan devised by our little rational mind, that can only see such a tiny piece of the world. The result? Stress, failure and often violence.

Integrating the Sacred

I believe that what life is doing through us at Wyrd Experience and Wyrd Technologies, Wyrd Research and Wyrd Education, is helping humanity to reclaim our experience of the sacred. As more and more people experience these technologies and the way they reflect the feeling of a moment, there will be no going back to the homogenous materialistic worldview and culture. We will be forced to make space for the sacred, for engaging the invisible dimensions of life with which our material world is created. And when we do that, we will find that our mental health issues, our general lack of wellbeing, our social and ecological challenges, will melt away. We will integrate all of who we are, connect the rational and intuitive, plug ourselves back into the natural intelligence of life and prioritise what is ultimately just common sense – co-creating a world that honours all beings and enables humans to be the most beautiful possible expression of life on Earth. The choiceless choice. Bring it on!