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Tag: volution theory

Live Interaction at Conscious Evolution Summit

I'll be hosting a 90 min interactive session based on my talk on Volution and the Pain and the Promise at the Conscious Evolution Summit. The talk will be released on Weds Oct 14. Sign up for the summit here! Here is a trailer of the talk: [youtube]

Volution: A Translinear Theory of Life (Merry Musings 05)

It kind of blew my mind when it first dawned on me that linear time is not a fixed quality of the universe but is actually quite a recent invention of the human mind. We spent nearly three million years living life directly in the present in the context of natural cycles. It was only...


The Universal Trinity (Merry Musings 6)

In many spiritual and religious traditions, a trinity of some sort plays an important role. During my research into Volution I discovered that all these trinities seemed to be pointing to the same underlying dynamic. This dynamic can be explained by the toroidal process of manifestation as described in Volution. It seems all the traditions...


The Pain and the Promise talk at Integral European Conference

When a tree wants to send its branches higher into the sky, it needs to send its roots deeper into the earth. When a person or society wants to move to the next level of development, we have to dig down into our past to release the energy held there by earlier traumas. Humanity’s current...